Hormone therapy

Understanding Hormone Imbalances

Hormones are powerful chemical messengers that regulate many critical bodily functions. When hormones fall out of balance, you may experience symptoms like fatigue, low libido, weight gain, and cognitive issues. Hormone imbalances can negatively impact quality of life. The good news is that bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help restore optimal levels.

Common Causes of Hormonal Imbalances

Hormone levels naturally decline with age, leading to unpleasant symptoms. Other factors like stress, poor diet, and environmental toxins also disrupt endocrine function. Common hormone deficiencies include:

Catching and correcting hormone imbalances early is key. Our expert hrt endocrinologist can pinpoint where your levels are off and create a customized treatment plan.

Signs You May Need Hormone Replacement

Here are some signs indicating it may be time to consider hormone replacement therapy:

Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical to the hormones your body produces naturally. This allows them to bind perfectly with receptors and mimic natural function.

Reduce Symptoms and Regain Wellbeing

The right hormone replacement regimen can help alleviate troublesome symptoms caused by hormonal decline. Most patients report improved energy, cognitive function, bone and muscle health, skin tone, and sex drive. You may also notice better sleep quality, mood stability, and an increased sense of wellbeing.

Live Your Best Life

Feeling off because your hormones are out of whack can negatively impact daily function and overall life satisfaction. Restoring balance facilitates an improved quality of life so you can pursue personal goals and find joy in everyday activities again.

Take control of your hormones and thrive!

Personalized Treatment Plans

We believe every patient has unique needs and body chemistry. That’s why our hrt specialist takes the time to thoroughly evaluate health history, risk factors, and lab testing when crafting customized hormone replacement regimens. We partner with patients throughout treatment to ensure optimal response and lasting results.

Convenient Care from Experts

Our clinic provides a full range of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy options for both men and women. We offer convenient appointments with our highly-skilled hrt endocrinologist and care team who have years of experience successfully treating hormone deficiencies. Let us help you address frustrating symptoms and start feeling your best again!

Ongoing Support for Lasting Wellness

In addition to replaced lost hormones, we empower patients with lifestyle and nutritional guidance tailored to promote lasting hormonal balance and general wellness. We also closely track patient progress and provide appropriate follow-up testing and care. Our goal is to equip patients to thrive for years to come.

Feel off and wondering if hormone replacement is right for you? Reach out to the knowledgeable professionals at Renew Hormone Institute today to learn more or schedule a consultation with our hrt specialist. We are committed to helping you restore energy, strength and joy to your life!Here is a 5-topic FAQ on hormone therapy with about 500 words total:

FAQ on Hormone Therapy

What is hormone therapy?

Hormone therapy involves taking medications that contain female or male hormones. It is used to treat symptoms of menopause or low testosterone. For example, estrogen therapy can relieve hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and osteoporosis in menopausal women. Meanwhile, testosterone therapy may help reduce fatigue, increase libido, and build muscle mass in men with low testosterone. Simply put, hormone therapy aims to restore hormone levels to improve health and quality of life.

Who is a good candidate for hormone therapy?

The best candidates for hormone therapy are menopausal women suffering from severe symptoms like frequent hot flashes or vaginal atrophy. Additionally, men with clinically low testosterone levels causing bothersome symptoms like low energy, reduced sex drive, and loss of muscle mass may benefit. However, risks and benefits should be carefully weighed as hormone therapy does have potential side effects. Those with a history of certain cancers, blood clots, heart disease, or liver disease may not be good candidates.

What are the risks and side effects of hormone therapy?

There are potential risks with any medication, and hormone therapy is no exception. In women, estrogen therapy may slightly increase breast cancer risk when used for over 3-5 years. Other side effects can include bloating, nausea, headaches, and spotting. Male testosterone therapy may lead to acne, aggression, liver damage, sterility, and overproduction of red blood cells. Hence, patients should have bloodwork done regularly and alert the doctor about concerning symptoms. Nonetheless, short-term hormone therapy of less than 5 years is generally safe under medical supervision.

How is hormone therapy administered?

There are many forms of hormone therapy administration. Estrogen can be taken as a pill, skin patch, vaginal cream, or slow-release suppository. Likewise, testosterone treatment options include injections, gels, patches, and pellets implanted under the skin. Oral pills or patches can be convenient but absorption may vary. Injected or implanted hormones enter the bloodstream directly. The doctor will discuss options to determine the optimal delivery method based on the patient’s lifestyle and preferences.

How much does hormone therapy cost?

The costs of hormone therapy can range widely depending on the medications, dosage, duration of treatment, and insurance coverage. Out-of-pocket expenses may be as low as $25-50 monthly for oral or topical therapies. Injectable testosterone or estrogen pellet implants may cost a few hundred per treatment every few months initially. Brand name hormones are generally pricier than generics too. Those with prescription insurance can expect to pay typical medication copays. Overall, hormone therapy is an affordable option to relieve disruptive menopausal or low testosterone symptoms.

Interesting fact

Hormone therapy can help transgender individuals match their physical characteristics with their gender identity. While the effects are often celebrated, the process also comes with challenges like temporary mood changes that require care and support from loved ones during transition.

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