Testosterone therapy

What is testosterone therapy?

Testosterone therapy, also known as TRT or testosterone replacement therapy, is a treatment that aims to raise low testosterone levels. It typically involves taking testosterone via injections, gels, patches or other delivery methods.

Testosterone is an important hormone that plays a role in sex drive, muscle mass, bone density, red blood cell production and other bodily functions. As men age, their natural testosterone production tends to decrease, sometimes leading to unpleasant symptoms like low energy, reduced muscle tone and lower libido. This gradual decline is known as hypogonadism or simply "low T."

If clinically low testosterone is causing bothersome symptoms, TRT can potentially help relieve them. It aims to restore normal testosterone ranges so the body functions more like a younger man's. However, TRT does carry some risks and isn't right for everyone with low testosterone. Careful discussion with a doctor is important.

Who is a good candidate for testosterone therapy?

Men with clearly low testosterone levels plus multiple bothersome symptoms may benefit from TRT after trying lifestyle changes. Good communication with a physician knowledgeable in testosterone treatment is key.

At Renew Hormone Institute, our doctors have over 10 years experience with TRT. We take the time to thoroughly assess patients, order comprehensive lab testing, discuss risks/benefits, and closely monitor progress. Visit our website to learn more or schedule a consultation.

What are the benefits of testosterone therapy?

When appropriately prescribed, TRT can lead to noticeable improvements in areas affected by low T. Benefits may include:

What are the risks of testosterone therapy?

Like any medical treatment, TRT also carries some risks:

Careful lab monitoring can help minimize risks. Renew Hormone Institute physicians adjust dosages accordingly and offer ancillary treatments as needed.

How is testosterone therapy administered?

There are several delivery methods for TRT. Injections or gels/creams that go on skin are most common. Patches and pellet implants are also options. Our clinic offers all major treatments so patients can use what works best for their lifestyle.

What does the treatment process look like?

At Renew Hormone Institute, new patients undergo an initial consultation, medical history review, physical exam and discussion of symptoms/goals. We then order blood tests to accurately assess current testosterone levels plus other relevant hormone markers.

Once results come back, we explain them and decide if TRT is appropriate. If so, we jointly develop a customized treatment plan involving ongoing lab monitoring to ensure efficacy and safety. Follow up appointments evaluate progress based on symptom improvements and labs. We're here to provide excellent care throughout the TRT journey!

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