
What is infertility?

Infertility refers to the inability to conceive a child or carry a pregnancy to full term after trying for at least one year without success. This medical condition affects an estimated 1 in 8 couples today.

Some key things to know:

What Causes Infertility?

Ovulation disorders account for infertility in about 25% of couples struggling to conceive. Issues can include irregular cycles, absent periods, or lack of ovulation.

Low sperm count, motility, and quality is another leading culprit, being the primary or contributing cause in 30-40% of cases. Certain lifestyle factors and medical conditions can negatively impact sperm.

Structural problems like damage or blockages in the fallopian tubes or uterus can also prevent pregnancy. Endometriosis frequently leads to this.

Even after comprehensive tests, about 20% of infertility cases still remain unexplained. The good news is that fertility treatments can still help.

Evaluating Infertility Issues

Getting evaluated by a reproductive endocrinologist is key. Some important baseline tests include:

These tests help identify contributing issues and formulate the best treatment plan.

We recommend working with top fertility clinics like Renew Hormone Institute which employs innovative assisted reproductive technologies to aid conception. Their board-certified specialists develop customized protocols for patients after thorough testing.

Take the first step towards conceiving today!

Fertility Treatments That Can Help

Today's methods can effectively overcome different infertility issues and make pregnancy possible for many couples:

The best treatment depends on the underlying fertility problem(s). With an individualized plan, treatment breakthroughs today empower couples to successfully conceive their own little miracles.

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